Saturday, 14 September 2013

Think, what you drink!!!

MINERAL ENERGY water is extracted in the mountains from depths of the aquiferous layers at a depth of below 70m in the area of the National Park in the western part of the Carpathian Mountains in Europe. The location of water intake is protected as it is a habitat of rare species of plants and animals.








Water is one of the most important and most common chemical compounds on Earth. It constantly circulates in nature and constitutes one of geospheres (the hydrosphere). Water occupies more than 2/3 of the Earth’s surface and it is present in the Earth's crust (holard) as well as in the form of steam in the atmosphere.
However, water present in nature is not pure, as there are slight amounts of gases and solid bodies diluted in it as well as micro-organisms, including pathogenic ones, which may be harmful to humans.
Water has many important functions in organisms. First of all, it is the main component of human body and constitutes over a half of body mass.
-              It is an ideal solvent for nutrients.
-              Water is an environment in which all life processes in organisms take place.
-              Water is necessary for digestion processes.
-              It is a transportation system of nutrients and metabolites inside a cell.
-              Water, apart from transportation of nutrients to a cell, also has a purifying function i.e. absorbs remnants of metabolism and removes them from organisms through blood and lymph. If this process does not take place in sufficient degree, toxins accumulate in fatty tissue, bones, connective tissue and other organs.  

1.             The origins of MINERAL ENERGY:
The aquiferous layers from which Mineral Energy water is extracted is a deposit of curative waters.
The areas from which water is exploited are covered by the EU program NATURA 2000 which completely restricts business activity.
The site of exploitation and distribution of MINERAL ENERGY is a European region with local mineral and curative waters in Krynica-Zdrój.
2.             Nutritional and dietary properties

Mineral water, due to minerals content, does not leach minerals out of the body unlike mineral waters which contain only a slight amount of minerals or does not have any at all.


1.       Examination of water. Process control.
The processes of exploitation, intake and bottling are monitored. The quality of water is systematically inspected by the internal and external laboratories as well as sanitary service.
Water is subject to inspection in terms of mineral content and its microbiological purity is tested.
Our water possesses the assessment and qualification by type of waters conducted by the National Institute of Hygiene. Packaging and materials used in course of the production process are subject to systematic quality control and microbiological purity assessment.
2.     Support for the Centre for Heart Diseases
Our company has supported scientific and clinical activity of the Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases in Zabrze, Poland for a long time.

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