Saturday, 14 September 2013

Incredible story Of Hot Highlander wine/ part I

Incredible History Of Hot Highlander wine/ part I

Hot Highlander has been a well - known and well - loved beverage for centuries, due to its corpulent flavour and dense taste. Without a doubt, you will appreciate every moment spent with a glass of Hot Highlander, hot or cold, because of its unique ability to create an unforgettable atmosphere.
Once upon a time, in the dark medieval castle the monk named Medyk developed a secret formula for Hot Highlander. Medyk devoted his whole life to selecting and testing different varieties of forest plants, fruits and herbs in order to create a recipe that would create the most unique and unexpected bouquet of tastes. 

 His knowledge was a carefully kept secret, passed down verbally from generation to generation by his brothers in faith. The desirable wine formula consisted of a magic combination of red wine, forest spices and fruit ingredients. Initially, Hot Highlander was reserved for royal families and aristocrats, who used it as a medicine. They believed that Hot Highlander was a fantastic remedy for colds and that it had the power to boost their physical and mental abilities. With time, Hot Highlander was reserved for royal families and aristocrats, who used it as a medicine. They believed that Hot Highlander became a popular beverage that was served hot in earthenware crockeries and  tasted by noble members of society. It is believed that a written version of the recipe had been created and hidden in some remote place in the European mountains and then forgotten by the world. It has been said that Medyk's ancient wine formula was kept secret in dark, inaccessible monastery cellars and stored in giant vessels. These vessels were wrapped with conifer tree branches. Most likely never to be found .....

However, five hundred years ago, a self - educated medical doctor and wine connoisseur named Gandelas stumbled upon an old manuscript containing the Hot Highlander secret formula.

He decided to bring it back to life. As a result of weather conditions in his homeland  - excruciating heat - Gandelas changed the ancient formula by adding some refreshing ingredients. Because of this enhancement, Hot Highlander is flexible as cold or hot beverage and has a universal application.

Now everyone can enjoy it - whenever they like, however they like.

 To be continued....

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