Saturday, 14 September 2013

Super day by super power of minerals

Start yours morning activities with Super Power of minerals......Morning workout just only by Mineral Energy water..


....Wherever you are and whatever you eat, drink glass of mineral water before a lunch time will help digestion :)drink healthy be healthy

Super Power & Super Energy by Mineral Energy water...Stay Healthy and Be Healthy

Sweet emotion of Ice Cream

Good Emotions Ice Cream!!!

Are you bored with the everyday flavors you see?
Have you been looking for something new for a long time?
Do you feel you are missing out on true, unforgettable tastes?
Starting today, you can get rid of boredom and monotony
by saying goodbye to lackluster flavours!!!

It's time for happy days and freedom!!! It's time to get a little crazy!!!
With our Gelato, you can tease your tastebuds with our
tantalizing new flavours. So teat yourself to instant joy.
And refreshing freedom with our new exciting Flavours .

After 50 years in the our Grandmothers kitchens, Good Emotions
Gelato is bringing our Gelato to the streets of Sydney!!!
So end monotony and boredom with a taste of greatness,
Check out our flavours at Sydney street market:
Pavlova Joyful, Mysterious white, sweet slap in the face, Tempting Tiramisu, Guiltless Green Cookies & Cream and our 25 other Natural, Fruity and juicy Gelato Flavours.

All without artificial sweeteners, preservatives or nasty 
chemicals. Our Gelato comes from the natural sweetness
of the Earth and the passion in our Hearts,

Try Good Emotions! Known for spontaneity, creativity, unbridled 
energy and deliciousness!!!! 

Bee in touch on the Sydney street with Sweet Emotion Kangaroo!!! 

Your Power of Minerals - Change your regular water to Mineral Energy water

 Mineral Energy water - Drink Healthy be Healthy
 The best product to keep your body in Energy and in Healthy life:)

From centuries-old mountain areas of central Europe emerges
A new source of natural mineral water. This bottle of Mineral Energy
water is highly mineralized. It comes from one of the most inaccessible, the most difficult to extract and the richest springs in the world – Muszyna Treasure Life.
Mineral Energy contains of positive and negative ions, called cations and anions, makes Mineral Energy an essential nutrient in our diet. Thanks to these ingredients, systematic drinking of mineral water helps to supplement mineral deficiencies and stimulate metabolism.
Bioelements are essential for a healthy and functioning human body; it has been proven that nowadays our bodies are often deficient in magnesium, calcium, iodine or potassium. Mineral Energy water is different from fresh water in soluble components content and thanks to that it is regarded to be one of the oldest treatments. 100% Natural Mineral Water.


You should drink more mineral water

In our busy life we should remember about drinking more mineral water per day. Why?

Because Mineral water, due to minerals content, does not leach minerals out of the body unlike mineral waters which contain only a slight amount of minerals or dose  not have any at all.

Your Life Balance is what you drink . We recommended Mineral Energy water  for your Body balance

Smash your fake energy. Get Your Really Healthy Super power

When you are tired
When you  need more energy
when you are in progress witch your gym plan
when you  wake up with heavy hungover .......

You need real energy from MIneral Energy water:)

Drink Healthy be Healthy:)    

Turn on your Healthy Energy

Nutritional and dietary properties

Mineral water, due to minerals content, does not leach minerals out of the body unlike mineral waters which contain only a slight amount of minerals or does not have any at all.
  MiNERAL ENERGY is composed of the following ingredients:

Calcium  – one of the most important elements necessary for the proper functioning of the human organism. Calcium is a main component of bone structure. Daily calcium requirement is 800 to 1200 mg. For prophylactic and health purposes, in order to supplement calcium in the organism, one should drink water which contains at least 150 mg/litre – MINERAL ENERGY contains 300 mg/l.

Calcium deficiency contributes to numerous diseases such as:
§  decalcification of the body;
§  bone deformation;
§  damaged teeth;
§  disorders in the functioning of nervous and muscular systems;
§  rickets or growth failure in children;
§  adults can suffer from osteoporosis, which manifests in frequent bone fractures.

Magnesium – Magnesium is necessary for the proper development and functioning of the body. It is frequently called the element of life. It plays a very important function in both prevention and treatment. Daily requirement of magnesium is approx. 300 mg. This is why for prophylactic and health purposes one should drink MINERAL ENERGY, which contains 30gm/l of magnesium. Thanks to this, MINERAL ENERGY enhances concentration, memory and mood.
Magnesium function in human body:
Magnesium is important in the process of bone and cell building, especially for muscle cells. It helps to keep the nervous system in harmony and takes part in the building of numerous enzymes. Magnesium deficiency leads to irritation, nervousness and cramps.
Magnesium plays a diversified role in the human body. However, its basic function is the ability to maintain the excitability of nervous and muscular tissue and the contractibility of smooth and skeletal muscles. Magnesium is a component of bones and teeth, it has anti-stressful effects and slows down the ageing process.
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates present in water have physiological importance if their amount exceeds 600 mg/litre. Starting from this amount, they bring important effects, help to maintain the acid-base balance in the stomach and intestines and they accelerate digestion. They are also effective in alcohol poisoning treatment. MINERAL ENERGY contains 1100 mg/l of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates in water
have a beneficial impact on insulin secretion.
Note! They are  recommended in case of achlorhydria, acute gastrointenstinal ulcers and acute gastritis.
Carbohydrates present in mineral water are very important for human body and its effects are mostly felt almost immediately after drinking. Carbohydrates alkalise stomach acids and are useful for people suffering from hyperacidity. They bring relief in other health problems. Water with a high level of  carbohydrates has a beneficial influence in initial stages of diabetes. Carbohydrates reduce sugar content in blood and urine, reduce acetone secretion and have a beneficial impact on insulin action and regulate blood pH.
Silicon  - after oxygen it takes second place with regard to the volume of its resources in the Earth's crust.  It constitutes one third of its mass. Every sixth atom of Earth's shell is a silicon atom. Silicon is particularly important for human and animals' health. In our organism it is present in the thyroid, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. Its greatest concentration has been observed in hair and nails. Silicon is also a collagen ingredient - a basic protein of connective tissue. Its main role is to take part in the chemical reaction which bonds separate fibres of collagen and elastin, which ensures durability and elasticity of connective tissue. It is necessary for building and proper functioning of skin, blood vessels and bones.

Silicon deficiency leads to:
  • osteomalation (softening of bones);
  • eyes, teeth, nails, skin and hair diseases;
  • accelerated joint cartilages wear;
  • skin inflammations;
  • liver and kidney stones;
  • vascular problems;
  • dysbacteriosis.
Function of silicon in the human body.
Silicon is an element which maintains health in the human organism. Without silicon the human body ceases to function properly, disorders occur and then diseases.
Endocrine glands such as the pineal gland (communication), pitutary gland (hormones) and thymus (resistance) are the glands with amazingly important functions for the proper functioning of the human body. These glands contain large amounts of silicon, and its reduced amount in tissues results in shrinking of the glands and disorders in their functioning.
In the motion system, silicon has an incredibly important role in the functioning of muscles, tendons, joints and backbone.
Silicon profits the regulation of the number of red blood cells and white blood cells, due to which a larger amount of oxygen reaches the muscles during their work and the operation of the immune system is more efficient.
From among other processes which take place in the body in the presence of silicon, the following should be listed:

  • silicon has antibacterial and antiviral properties;
  • approximately 70 elements participate in metabolism, including magnesium and calcium. With a lack of silicon, they are not able to assimilate.
  • it has influence on the assimilation of food and dietary supplements and removing toxins from the body.
To sum up, silicon plays an important

Think, what you drink!!!

MINERAL ENERGY water is extracted in the mountains from depths of the aquiferous layers at a depth of below 70m in the area of the National Park in the western part of the Carpathian Mountains in Europe. The location of water intake is protected as it is a habitat of rare species of plants and animals.








Water is one of the most important and most common chemical compounds on Earth. It constantly circulates in nature and constitutes one of geospheres (the hydrosphere). Water occupies more than 2/3 of the Earth’s surface and it is present in the Earth's crust (holard) as well as in the form of steam in the atmosphere.
However, water present in nature is not pure, as there are slight amounts of gases and solid bodies diluted in it as well as micro-organisms, including pathogenic ones, which may be harmful to humans.
Water has many important functions in organisms. First of all, it is the main component of human body and constitutes over a half of body mass.
-              It is an ideal solvent for nutrients.
-              Water is an environment in which all life processes in organisms take place.
-              Water is necessary for digestion processes.
-              It is a transportation system of nutrients and metabolites inside a cell.
-              Water, apart from transportation of nutrients to a cell, also has a purifying function i.e. absorbs remnants of metabolism and removes them from organisms through blood and lymph. If this process does not take place in sufficient degree, toxins accumulate in fatty tissue, bones, connective tissue and other organs.  

1.             The origins of MINERAL ENERGY:
The aquiferous layers from which Mineral Energy water is extracted is a deposit of curative waters.
The areas from which water is exploited are covered by the EU program NATURA 2000 which completely restricts business activity.
The site of exploitation and distribution of MINERAL ENERGY is a European region with local mineral and curative waters in Krynica-Zdrój.
2.             Nutritional and dietary properties

Mineral water, due to minerals content, does not leach minerals out of the body unlike mineral waters which contain only a slight amount of minerals or does not have any at all.


1.       Examination of water. Process control.
The processes of exploitation, intake and bottling are monitored. The quality of water is systematically inspected by the internal and external laboratories as well as sanitary service.
Water is subject to inspection in terms of mineral content and its microbiological purity is tested.
Our water possesses the assessment and qualification by type of waters conducted by the National Institute of Hygiene. Packaging and materials used in course of the production process are subject to systematic quality control and microbiological purity assessment.
2.     Support for the Centre for Heart Diseases
Our company has supported scientific and clinical activity of the Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases in Zabrze, Poland for a long time.